Golhaye Shajarian – Golhaye Tazeh 180 – Golbagh Familiarity on Homayoun Instrument
Golhaye Shajarian (91)
Singer: Mohammad Reza Shajarian
Kamancheh: Ali Asghar Bahari
Composer: Mostafa Kasravi
Speaker: Azar Pehjouz
Ghazal: Iraqi
Poem: Iraqi
We decided to present all of Mohammad Reza Shajarian’s radio programs under the title “Shajarian Flowers” with a specific schedule in cooperation with the Shajarian House website.
We have included a separate project on the site called “Radio Performances” for you, the elders. The difference between that project and the Shajarian Flowers collection is the refinement of the works that we present in the Shajarian Flowers project. Of course, we tried to put the best quality of the works in the radio performances.
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Online broadcast of fresh flowers 180 :
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From my two eyes, blood is gushing from the sadness of the night of separation
What can I do, these are the flowers of a familiar garden
The eyelashes and eyes of my lover seem to be
That among the hyacinths, a deer roams the land
I have no flower leaves, so why should I go to their flower
That I have heard that all flowers smell of disloyalty
To which religion is this, to which nation is this,
That they killed a lover Why do you love me? I went to the Kaaba, they didn’t show mercy to the shrine. What did you do outside that you came inside? I went to the gambling house, I saw everyone was clean. When I reached the monastery, they were all hypocritical ascetics. I was knocking at the door, I didn’t make any money. In the door, the door, Iraq, you are also ours. Happy is the pain whose cure is you. Happy is the path whose end is you. Happy is the eye whose face sees you. Happy is the kingdom whose king is you. Happy is the heart whose lover is you. Happy is the soul whose soul is you. How happy is the heart that hopes for you. May all happiness and joy be yours, my friend. In that house whose guest is you. />Happiness, joy and success
There is someone who wants you to be theirs
The Iraqi is always seeking pain
In the name of the cure, you are the one