The Color of Principles – Shahriar Siavash and Harpreet Singh

Rang Usul 
Tar: Shahriar Siavash  

Tabla: Harpreet Singh 

Shahriar Siavash: Working with Harpreet has always been an adventurous and learning experience for me. The first time we played together, I just realized that the tabla instrument is tuned! The smaller drum, which is played with the right hand, plays notes and when you hit the body with a hammer, the tension of its skin changes. I asked him what note the instrument is usually tuned to, and he said “D”. As soon as he played the note “D”, I remembered “Daad and Bidad”! I tuned the other strings accordingly and we started playing. The experience was so enjoyable that I recorded the next session so that, for the sake of its good quality, with all its imperfections, we could release it as an album in the future.

The video you see is part of a similar improvisation we performed a few weeks later at York University in Toronto. In this performance, we also played the piece “Rang Usul” by Ostad Alizadeh and phrases inspired by the works of Kayhan Kalhor and Ali Ghamsari, as well as folk music. The full video of this duet is available on YouTube.

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Online streaming of the song Rang Osul – Shahriar Siavash and Harpreet Singh:

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Author: morteza

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