Yalda – Hosseinreza Asadi

Yalda - Hossein Reza AsadiYalda – Hossein Reza Asadi 

Singer: Hossein Reza Asadi
Composer and Arranger: Babak Shahraki
Songwriter: Salehe Zohrevand

Singer: Hossein Reza Asadi
Composer and Arranger: Babak Shahraki
Songwriter: Salehe Zohrevand
Graphic Designer: Hossein Ebrahimi Golbaghi
Music Video Director: Saeed Manafi
Cinematographers: Bahram Teymouri and Shima Aghaei

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What a joy and excitement the beautiful and colorful night of Yalda is
All our joys are around us
My night, your night
The long night of Yalda
Sing from winter
With me until tomorrow morning
I hope that my divine spring will not see sadness
Stay and always pick flowers of happiness
Come and see my painting The black night has come
Black It left, my heart calmed down, the sun came in
You are the perfect interpretation of all of Hafez’s poems
I am also blinded by your moonlit face and that penetrating gaze

Author: morteza

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